Fowler appointed member of UN global tax committee

Executive Chairman of the Federal Inland Revenue Services, FIRS, Tunde Fowler

The Executive Chairman of the Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS), Mr. Tunde Fowler, has been appointed as a member of the International Experts Committee on Tax Matters.

The United Nations Secretary-General, Mr. Antonio Guteress, appointed Fowler alongside other 24 members of the committee worldwide.

Fowler’s appointment was conveyed by the Minister Plenipotentiary of Nigeria Permanent Mission, New York, Mr. Bolaji Akinremi, in a mail to the FIRS.

Akinremi, in a mail to the FIRS, said, “I have great joy to inform you that the UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guteress, has appointed Mr. Babatunde Fowler as one of the 25 members of the prestigious International Experts Committee on Tax Matters for a four-year tenure to commence at the inauguration ceremony in Geneva on October 1, 2017.

“In addition to the notification of the appointment by the SG to the UN Economic Council already placed on the website of the Council, individual letters of appointment would be addressed to the appointee and the appointee is to formally accept the nomination through a letter of acceptance addressed to the UNSG through the Nigeria Permanent Mission New York.

“Please, express the heartfelt congratulations of the Permanent Representative of Nigeria to the UN, Ambassador Tijjani Muhammad-Bande, to Mr. Babatunde Fowler on his appointment and a warm wish for a successful tenure.”

Fowler, who is also the chairman of the African Tax Administration Forum, and the Joint Tax Board, was the chairman of the Lagos Internal Revenue Service.

His sterling performance in Lagos led to a sharp rise in Internally-Generated Revenue from an average of N3.6bn monthly, as at January 2006, to an average of over N23bn monthly as at June 2015.

Despite a challenging economy, with oil at under $50 per barrel for most part of 2016 and a sliding purchasing power, Fowler led FIRS to realise over N3.303tn in 2016.

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